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EZIaccounts - Making Accounting Easy

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EZIaccounts Installation

1. Download and save your selected EZIaccounts program to your computer.

2. After download complete locate the file and double click to begin installation.

3. Any windows requiring permissions please click "Allow".

Note : EZIaccounts is a web based multi-user software and requires a web server to be installed. This will only take place once during installation.

A web server will not harm your computer or connect to the internet without your permission.

During Installation

An install window will appear and click OK to each step to continue.

The installation will check if you have a web server installed on your machine and if not will ask for a server to be installed. Please click yes and install. ( An Abyss Web Server is included all installations )

Once the installation is complete delete the installation file then click the EZIaccounts icon on your desktop.

You are ready to use EZIaccounts.

Installation Complete